angular CLI notes 1

‘Ng’ is the contraction of Angular. The framework itself is named after the angular parenthesis of HTML elements. Angular components are used like HTML elements.

Typical Web Page

fig: rudimentary structure of a typical web page

An Angular App is a collection of Modules, called NgModules.

When a new app is generated in the CLI using ng new, a root module is created through the file app.module.ts, which makes the class AppModule available to the app.

AppModule tells Angular how to assemble components:

Angular App

fig: rudimentary structure of an Ng app

Components are the fundamental building blocks of Angular applications. They:

Application Shell is the visual render of the app:

Creating a new Component in the CLI:

Angular Component

structure of a typical Ng Component

Components Properties:

Life Cycle Hooks:



One-way property binding:


created: 17 Nov 2018
today's track: Diving with Whales (Club Dub) by Nora En Pure