Primary Colors:

fig: primary colors
- Red - Hex: #FF0000
- Yellow - Hex: #00FFFF
- Blue - Hex: #0000FF
Additive Colors - 1:

fig: secondary colors
Mix Red + Yellow to get Orange; Mix Yellow + Blue to get Green; Mix Blue + Red to get Violet; Here, all mixing is done in equal proportions.
- Orange - Hex: #FFFF00
- Green - Hex: #00FF00
- Violet - Hex: #800080
Additive Colors - 2:

fig: tertiary colors
Mix Green + Violet to get Slate;
(Blue + Yellow) + (Blue + Red) = Slate
50% Blue + 25% Yellow + 25% Red = Slate
Mix Violet + Orange to get Brown;
(Red + Blue) + (Red + Yellow) = Brown
50% Red + 25% Blue + 25% Yellow = Brown
Mix Green + Orange to get Olive Green:
(Blue + Yellow) + (Red + Yellow) = Brown
50% Yellow + 25% Blue + 25% Red = Olive Green
- Slate - Hex: #408040
- Brown - Hex: #C04040
- Olive Green - Hex: #80C000
Additive Colors - 3:

fig: quarternary colors
Slate + Brown = Plum;
3 Blue + 2 Yellow + 3 Red = Plum
Olive Green + Brown = Buff;
3 Red + 2 Blue + 3 Yellow = Buff
Olive Green + Slate = Sage;
3 Blue + 2 Red + 3 Yellow = Sage
- Plum - Hex: #806040
- Buff - Hex: #A08020
- Sage - Hex: #60A020
- Primary Hues:
- Secondary:
- Primary + Another Primary
- Tertiary:
- Secondary + Another Secondary
- Neutral Tones along Complementary color spectrum
- Complementary Colors:
- Primary complementary: Mix of other two primaries
- opposite on the color wheel, on the next outer layer
Color Value
- Chroma + White = Tint
Chrome + Black = Shade
- Monochrome scale (Color Value Range)
- White > Tint > Color > Shade > Black
Color Intensity
- Color Intensity Range
- Complementary > Neutral > Complementay
- Eg: Red - Red Green - Brown - Green Red - Green
- Intensiy is also called Vibrance sometimes
Color Temperature
- Color Temperatue Range
- Warm colors are Red, Yellow, Orange, etc
- Neutral colors are Brown, Slate, etc
- Cool colors are Green, Blue, Black, White, Grey etc.