if neurons are like the stars of the show, glial cells are the support cast
glia are needed for running the brain (the shit-show that it is), there are 10 times more glia than there are neurons; some other reach show there are slightly less number of them compared to neurons (research under progress)
sanitation workers of the brain that clean up the refuse of the neurons including excess ions, excess non-transmitters and their metabolites
allow neurons to reach the location from where they are born while they develop as an earlier stage progenitor cell, hence are vehicles for neuron transportation
they are immune cells which quietly monitor for problems
when there is a problem, they try to rectify things and bring some attention to areas of damage
sometimes they go overboard, and they start to participate in making the problem as well as solving the problem (hot topic)
neurons can be myelinated or un-myelinated; myelin is a fatty wrap on some axons
myelin sheaths made of layers and layers of myelin cover the axon body; there are gaps between adjacent myelin wraps for the signal to jump over as they travel down the axon
action potential spike transfer along an axon - myelinated vs. un-myelinated
neurons are classified to belong to either CNS or PNS based on where their cell body is
diseases that affect the nervous system affect either the CNS or PNS, they tend to not affect both at the same time
periphery nervous system is far more vulnerable than the central nervous system
botulinum toxin affects only the PNS
meningial cell division can cause tumors called meningiomas, and they cause pressure within the cranium leading to problems
foramen magnum is the hole at the bottom of the cranium that lets the top of the spinal cord connect to the bottom of the brain
the arachnoid wraps the brain bulk but doesn’t cover the hills and valleys