
fig: \(mp^3\) digital audio encoding
- various dsp tools come together to make this encoding possible
- mp3 based on compression algorithms developed in the fraunhofer institutes in germany
- mp3 standard was quickly embraced in the industry
lossy compression scheme
- start with a discrete-time sound signal \(x[n]\)
- goal:
- reduce number of bits to represent original
- reduce memory requirements to store sound signal

fig: digital signal flow - encoding and decoding
- \(x[n]\) is fed to an encoder where it is converted to a binary string
- goal here is to reduce the memory required to store the waveform
- a decoder is designed to convert it back to a sound signal \(y[n]\)
- mp3 encoding reduces the number of bits needed for a digital sound signal by a large amount
- the tradeoff is sound quality
- the lesser size it is encoded to, more the sound degradation
- so, mp3 encoding is a lossy compression scheme
storage size comparison
- consider a DVD standard audio file
- this is uncompressed digital audio
- sampling rate: 48 khz
- digital bit depth: 16-bit per sample
- takes 12 MB of storage for 1 min of stereo audio
- a high quality mp3 encoded takes
- about 1.5 MB for the same 1 min stereo audio
- this is about 10 times lesser than DVD quality
- lossly digital audio file
- sound quality degradation occurs, but usable
human ears and mp3
- key ingredient of mp3 encoding framework:
- modelled around the human auditory system
- encoding doesn’t attempt to preserve the original structure of the input audio file
- it focusses on encoding the most important parts of the input audio waveform
- that are key to human ears listening to music and hearing sounds
- the loss of the information form the original signal is placed in the spectrum that the human ear cannot hear
mp3 encoding - block diagram

fig: mp3 encoding block diagram
- sub-band filtering: splits spectral range of input into 32 independent channels
- sub-band sample quantization: each channel is quantized independently
- number of bits each allocated to each sub-band is dependent on the perceptual importance
- sub-bands that are of not important and difficult to be perceived by the human ear are assigned very few bits or none at all
- more perceptually relevant it is, the more of the bulk of the bit budget is allocated to that sub-band
- this possible because of the masking effect of the human auditory system
- bit-stream formatting: quantized samples are formatted and encoded in a continuous bit stream
masking effect
- example of the masking effect:
- in a quiet room, possibly at night, the human ear can even hear the ticking of a watch
- in an environment with a lot of ambient noise, possibly in the day, the ear cannot hear the ticking of a watch
- it is drowned out in the ambient noise of higher amplitudes
- but an audio recording will contain the ticking watch information in both the quiet and the noisy environments
- this can be seen in the audio recording spectrum
- for a given environment of sounds, there is a unique masking threshold
- the shape of this masking threshold is determined experimentally
- by running a lot of listening tests with human subjects
relative amplitudes
- consider a sound like below with a pronounced peak
- the blue curve is the spectrum of the sound
- the red dot is the strongest component
- the red dotted line is a masking threshold

fig: masking effect of human auditory system
- a masking effect takes place in the the human ear for a sound like this
- the frequency components in the vicinity of the peak strength are not heard unless they are louder than a giving masking threshold
- anything below the red dotted line will not be heard by the ear
- this can be removed without any perceived quality loss
frequency resolution
- masking in human ear takes place within critical bands
- these critical bands are treated by human ear as a single unit
- two different frequencies within a single band are perceived as one single tone
- everything within a band can NOT be resolved further in the ear
- there are around 24 bands critical bands for the human ear

fig: frequency distribution of critical bands of human hearing
- the critical bands are not linearly distributed, it is logarithmic
- the resolution power of the ear is higher at low frequencies
- as the frequencies get higher, the resolution in the ear is less discriminant
- since the human ear is less discriminant in the higher frequencies
- more noise is tolerated in the higher frequencies than in the lower frequencies
- noise in the higher frequencies cannot be resolved by the human ear
- so, more masking in higher frequencies because of the logarithmic distribution of the critical bands
psycho-acoustic model

fig: psycho-acoustic vs. uniform bit allocation
step 1
- use FFT to estimate the energy in each sub-band
step 2
- distinguish tonal (sine like) and non-tonal (noise like) components
step 3
- determine masking effect of tonal and non-tonal components in each critical band
step 4
- determine total masking effect by summing the individual contributions
- obtain global masking curve
step 5
- map this total effect to the 32 sub-bands
step 6
- determine bit allocation by allocating polarity bits to aub-bands with lowest signal-to-mask ratio
sub-band filtering
- the input signal is fed to a filter bank
- filter bank has 32 filters, each extract one sub-band from input
- isolates different parts of the spectrum

fig: sub-band filtering
- step where the bit-rate saving is achieved
- mp3 encoding does uniform quantization of sub-band samples
- number of bits per second in each sub-band is determined by the psycho-acoustic model
- mp3 works on subsequent frames,
- frame: window of input samples that is processed independently
- one frame
- 36 samples per band, all quantized by the same quantizer
- rescaling is needed
- a quantizer maps an input interval into a set of quantization levels

fig: uniform 3-bit quantization function
- the range of the input signal must match the range of the quantizer
- rescaling is done to ensure the full quantization range
- divide by the largest sample in magnitude
- the decoder will need the normalization factor along with the quantized data
- this normalization factor transmission requires 32 bits
- MPEG standard defines 16 scaling factors
- to aovid transmitting the normalization factor
- only 4 bits ovehead as opposed to 32 bits for the normalization factor
- choose the one that best matches the input range
\[ \tilde{s}[n] = round\Big[ 2^{b-1} (Q_a(b)s[n] + Q_b(b)) \Big] \]
- using
bits from the psycho-acoustic model
- \(Q_a, Q_b\): functions of the number of bits
- variable bit allocation across sub-bands obtained from the psycho-acoustic model
- to evaluate performance
- compare original DVD quality audio file
- uniform bit allocation
- psycho-acoustic bit allocation